
Monday, July 7, 2014

A Busy Weekend....

 Finally my hubby and I got motivated to do some projects that have needed sprucing for the booth! It was so nice (but so hot) to have a 4 day weekend!
Here is a wreath that my friend gave me that was minus the moss (forgot to take a before picture) and had broken leaves and lots of yellowed hot glue to be removed. 
I added moss, shells and coral, rhinestone jewelry and pearls to pretty it up.

Here is the finished wreath.... I am happy with the way it turned out!

We also turned this awesome old trunk into a side table. I dressed the inside with map pages and my husband added a stool base painted black for legs. I really love it!

My friend Robin and I went to a show last week and I got these two pretty crinolines.

Here is the detail of the white one....

This little hutch/shelf unit had wallpaper on 2 of the shelves that was peeling off. I worked hard on this baby and got all the paper off, it is really cute with the chicken wire in the back. We are putting it in the booth as is, chippy and charming...

Well, I hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July and maybe got a project or two done also!!  karen.....


  1. Here's to being Motivated to get around to much delayed Projects! *Smiles* Yours turned out Beautifully. I'm wading thru some of the Procrastinated Projects around this Old House while the Monsoon Season rolls in with a vengeance. When the Weather is nice I'm too free-spirited to want to stay indoors so inclement weather can be my best Motivator for all those Intended Projects that have lain by the wayside far too long. *smiles*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  2. That suitcase is a great idea. I've never done one with a stool base, that is so much better than screwing on legs!

  3. You did good! I love how your wreath turned out, so much more interesting now. Great project transformation.

  4. The ideas you have for your finds are great - the wreath is so pretty. Hope to get back out to visit the antique mall and your booth sometime.


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