
Monday, June 3, 2013

Mermaid Art....LOVE......

I know,  I am always talking about Country Roads... But you have to understand...I work 5 days a week, shop for the store whenever possible and go there at least one day on the weekends! Plus...I am nuts over that store!  It is filled with wonderful artists, that just happen to be booth owners as well!
 This booth is owned by Lori Gutierrez who is a wonderful painter....but that's just one of her talents... She painted the mermaid above...
 And the mermaid on this chippy pink chest...oh my beating heart!
 I don't know if she did the shell art but these bookends are great and the shells added to the bust in the first picture make her a work of art....

 I do love mermaids. When I was a little girl, Mermaids sat on the rocks around the submarine ride at Disneyland combing their hair...I knew mermaids were real, they were magical!
 See the diorama on the right? Lori made that too! It's in a vintage hatbox/overnite awesome!
I just had to share.... It is a little space but Oh so dreamy!.....
Hope you are enjoying your start to June! I am!  hugs! karen.....

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