
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

White Wednesday and What fun!

On Friday and Saturday, Robin and I joined the fantastic artists and sellers at the Vintage Marketplace at the Oaks. I had sooooo much fun! The people were wonderful, the sellers were wonderful and the goods were wonderful! I am joining in on White Wednesday because as you will see.....there were lots of wonderful whites to share! Above is a picture of my good friend Robin in our booth....

This was a beautifully ornate birdcage that Robin's mom bought from Rita of Mammabellarte.

These lovelies were in the booth across from us....

And Amber of Black Rooster cottage many lovely goodies to partake in...I wanted a couple of her Candliers and one of her darling dog beds!

Lisa Loria never fails to delight us with her whimsical bling babies and her darling dogs made from vintage tins....

And Wings of lace had fabulous vests made of vintage crocheted doilies and skirts and purses to accompany them....

I am not sure who was selling this doll pram but it was too darling to not show off!

This was a little slice of our booth...a little messy at the time because we would have groupings of people at once...I made the amore banner....

Have you ever heard of "Glamping" It is taking a vintage trailer, making it glamourously shabby and traveling in style!

This is my friend Lori and her daughter Jamie's vintage trailer from Two Wild Roses ....I forgot to take a picture of the outside but here is the inside....

Her cute pink stove area...

The sweet is that Sweet dreams curtain?...Oh how I wanted to nap in that comfy place!

Here is the table area with baby clothes and prom dresses on display..... oh I am sooo in love!

She put tin tiles on the ceiling and victorial architectural pieces thruout...OooooLala!

I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the outside, I was called away but it was a cute turquoise and white....Perfection!

I also got to meet my sweet swap partner Lorraine from the Mayday swap, my first time meeting one of my partners in person. It just couldn't have been a better couple of days!

Well, I have given you enough eyecandy for today...I hope you enjoyed it. I would love to hear from you if you are reading this, even a simple hi! My comment boxes have been pretty empty lately and I want to do a giveaway soon but want it to be worth it also!

Have a great Wednesday! Hugs! karen.....


  1. This looked like a fab time... I'm LOVING that Boho Bed in the Gypsy Caravan Mobile Studio! *swooning* Takes naps on the Road to a whole other level doesn't it. *winks*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


I love to hear from you, it makes my day!