
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lucky Me!!!

I was the lucky winner of this wonderful little quiltie from Pallas at Threads in Time... It is made with a pretty vintage hankie and a wonderful vintage image of a woman lost in thought...I just love it! But that's not all! I won this:
Bits and bobs of beautiful handmade lace! (Say that 3 times fast!) I think I am going to make a pretty frenchie wall pocket with it... I just love it!
I also was lucky enough to win another blog giveaway in this past month! Really! I don't just enter to enter...I love blog hopping and if there is something pretty being given away I enter... I feel so lucky! Anyway, here she is:

A beautiful spool doll made by Gail of littlebeachdesigns.... She makes me happy! I will show you her in a vignette in the house on wednesday and when I make something with some of that delicious will see it first!!!
Thank you Gail and Pallas for your lovely blogs and gifts!
I will be back later today...been putting together an etsy sale and added some halloween to my main etsy so I will share then! hugs! karen.....


  1. Karen,
    Hugs backatcha! Thanks for letting me know that the little spool doll made it there safe and sound, can't wait to see your vignette!
    It's 100 degrees here in Oregon, ouch! Going to grab something cold to drink...have a great weekend!

  2. I'm so glad that you like the goodies you won on my blog. I'll be interested to see what you make with the antique lace.


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