
Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm okay...really I am..... uh huh!!!

Have you ever had a time in your life where you just are overwhelmed??? Well, I'm there lately... My mom is coming closer to her surgery which we are very grateful for but she is also in alot of pain and on alot of meds which make her cranky....understandable but not easy.
Work is winding down...we are done on the 17th but it has been crazy and will be until the last day. I am looking forward to the 6 days off until summer school.
We love the kitten...her name has been changed to Mila. But we have decided that she has swallowed a small tasmanian devil and don't quite know what to do about it!
Here is the little devil:

She lives in Marissa's room and we let her out when we can monitor her....

This is the way Oreo looks at me since her arrival: "MMMMMooooommmmm!"

She is just plain wild and crazy!

But Oreo will soon be bored of her shannanigans and calm down....
Sorry for all the unloading... just needed to tell you where I am at right now and hope that you will all stick with me over the next few weeks.... I just want my mom to get this done and have her be on the mend again...she needs her life back!
On a good note, I did get a treasure at the Goodwill the other day! I went on my lunchtime and they were putting out things and I found this Fendi purse in the bin. It was in perfect condition and only 6.99! I love it! It is actually a butter yellow but looks more tan in the photo.

The garden is starting to produce and here is our first basket of veggies we have gotten. Lots of squash and radishes, we also have wonky carrots that are ready when we need them and green onions almost ready.

Well, I hope you are all doing well and having a nice weekend! I will try to post again soon! hugs ... karen....


  1. That's so good about blogging; you can tell us everything! I love that photo of Mila on that chair and your fresh vegetables look delicious! Take care.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh and I forgot to mention that purse; great find. A friend of mine deals in designer purses, bags and shawls on ebay. At that price you should always take a designers' purse as it is very worth the risk of sellling...but if you enjoy it yourself that is even better!

  3. Hello Ms. Bluebird...some cute pics of Mila..the one looks like she saying "Hmmmm what trouble can I get in now" Have a honey of a night - sweet dreams! Grace & Peace 2 U - Marlene aka QBeeC/Honeybee

  4. I am laughing about little Mila! I call the little kitties "curtain climbers", they are little nightmares, but they do grow out of it, eventually, we hae 3 cats in teh house and the younger 2 that are 2 are still quite playful! So good luck and I wish your Mom well!

  5. Lucky you! Garden goods already!!

    And best wishes for your mom's recovery.

  6. Karen, the pictures and commentary had me laughing. Poor Oreo...such a great shot with those big ol' ears. I know how it is having a psycho cat....he attacked my leg...TWICE in one day! BREATH!

  7. Karen, hang in there. I understand that some days it's so hard, but you just keep managing to put one foot forward. It will change and get better. This is just a moment and you have such grace and love.

    I'm envious of your vegetables. We have tomato plants growing in the front yard, but they are still small and green. Every time a cherry tomato gets near rip, my granddaughter pulls it and eats it. She thinks they all belong to her. lol

    Take care!


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