
Friday, February 13, 2009


Hello my dear blogging friends! I am so sorry I have been missing this week and when I was suppose to announce a giveaway! Harrrumph!

I have been a little on overwhelm lately and something had to give (unfortunately my blogging was it!)

I don't usually post about the "downer" things in life but I will just let you in on some of the reason that I have been gone. I work for one of the local school districts here in Southern California and we are suffering from all of good Ole Arnie's budget cuts and now he will be taking more away from education so it has put alot of panic into the administrators and the staff...We had a meeting with our Superintendent this week and it does not look good! I have already been told that it is more than likely that I won't have work over the summer so my family and I are trying to posture ourselves so that we don't struggle over that time.... When I have things on my mind that are this important I tend to act like a possum at times and just freeze up. I have made a big effort to not do this, but it still happens...

Another thing that I have had to do is help my mom a little more lately. Over Christmas she landed in the hopital with heart problems. She has been in a lot of pain over the last year due to a hip problem she has but the local surgeon will not replace her hip because she is high risk. Well her MD feels that the pain caused her heart problem and it will reoccur if we don't take care of the problem so he referred us to USC. We went yesterday and the specialist was very postitive. He is willing to do the surgery if we can get her heart more regulated. We waited 2 1/2 hrs. to see him but are so glad that he is hopeful! So next week it is on to the heart specialist and we will see how he can help......

Sorry this is such a heavy post...I just feel you deserve a little explaination because I made promises that I haven't been able to keep....

So...that being said, I absolutely, positively promise the giveaway sign-up will start this weekend... !!! REALLY, it will!!!

Please come back and visit! And I would love to hear about everyone's valentines! Hugs! karen...


  1. Rita: I work for a school district in Florida and things are horrible here. Today, all first and second year teachers received non renomination letters so they do not have jobs for next year. We are all wondering where we will end up because, even if we have jobs, we may be moved to fill vacancies elsewhere. I know for sure that I will be taking at least 10 uncompensated days off as a part of a salary reduction. Hope you keep your job and that your mom improves.

  2. Oh sweet Karen- I'm so sorry for what you have to deal with! The economy is so frightening- our school district is making budget cuts during the current school year!

    I hope your mom can get the surgery- my mom suffered with debilitating hip pain before she found a doctor that would do a hip replacement on a 58 year old woman! Your mom shouldn't have to live in pain- it becomes a quality of life issue.
    I'm sending hugs your way!


I love to hear from you, it makes my day!