
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gratitude and a mean heat wave!!!

It is blazing hot here in Southern California! And...most of us don't have air conditioning (usually don't need it!) It makes one grumpy (okay, okay! I mean it makes me grumpy!) Nothing like being a 40 something, way too fluffy person chasing after toddlers for 6 hours a day in a heat wave.... Uggh!

Now where, you ask, is the gratitude???? I just needed to get that out of my system and now I will share my gratitude!
I have had the blues lately...alot going on in my world at home, at work, as a parent...the kind of stuff that isn't fun most of the time...It has been hard and sometimes you just don't know if you are gonna get past it or is this your life....
This morning, while blog hopping before work I read a funny saying on Four Sisters in a Cottage blog. "You can't outstink a manure pile" I love this! It just cracked me up and I can apply it to one particular person in my working world... Well, a laugh was what I needed to snap me out of it a little...I have always tried to find one little something to be grateful for in my day even when my day was poopy. So I thought I would share with you a couple of things that have given me a smile lately:
Stamp Club...went last night and took Robin a Birthday/halloween crown and some apple pie ala mode...Here she is being silly with her crown on:
And here is the awesome project we did: A Brazen Hussy's Victorian Halloween,fun,fun!
Robin always has the best projects for us to do!

Another thing to be giddy about: I won this beauty from Amy at InspireCo.
Thank you Amy! I love it and can't wait to put pictures of my kids in this little paper bag album!

Hope you can find something to be grateful for in your day too!
xoxo karen....

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