I was able to slip into a thrift store on thursday and get this cute little treasure. It is a handpainted teacup which is very small and inside is a lace collar. All for $1.50! Good for Calif. standards. I love the thrift stores that are run by volunteers who package up everything...I don't know about the rest of the US but our Goodwill and Salvation Army stores have less and less vintage goodies and if they do they are in the specialty part of of the store and are pretty costly. I still enjoy going there for other stuff but am not as likely to find the treasures anymore.
My hubbie and I were turned on to "junkin" by my Great-Aunt Louise. She was 85 and her cr0nies were 77 and 79 and they would pile into her car at 7am and go to all the garage sales in the area. She was so good at it to, she knew her stuff! One time she found a really pretty ceiling light fixture, bought it for $8, took it to have it re-brassed and found out it was a Tiffany! She had it appraised for 8 thousand dollars! She also found 3 Steiff bears and lots of other great goodies...We were hooked. Later, when she came to live nearer to us so we could help her, we would pile her into our car and off we would go! She was in heaven!
Well, I hope you are having a great weekend! I loved remembering my times with Louise!
I agree with you about some of the big thrift stores. One of my local ones was managed by an antiques dealer at one point and the prices went sky high. A lot of the thrift stores around here seem to think that if their merchandise is displayed (i.e. put a bunch of like-colored items on an old table cloth) that they can charge full retail prices for used items. It is getting harder to find the vintage items there. One of my favorite thrift shops is located in a retirement community. I hope you'll stop by my blog where some of my finds are pictured.